Agriculture and agribusiness


Africa has a huge potential in agriculture, which is still mainly untapped. This makes agriculture and agribusiness at the top of the development and business agenda in Sub-Saharan Africa. There is need to see an urgency to feed the region’s fast-growing population. Not only is this urgency about feeding people, today most of the youth in Africa is unemployed yet agriculture has the potential to provide employment to this rapidly growing youth population. Food insecurity does not only affect people's health, it poses significant challenges to peace, security, and economic opportunity. In many countries, most crops are produced by small-sized farms with limited mechanization and capacity, leading to poor yields. Shiri is here address farm-level production and activities such as processing and marketing, by providing a platform for small holder farmers to plan, communicate and market their produce. We hope to improve the agribusiness sphere and we understand that no one company, or stakeholder group, can achieve this alone. Partner with Shiri. Together let us reinvigorate agriculture.